Eastern DRC Situation Report (Nov 2024)
1. OPERATIONAL SITUATION Eastern DRC is currently the site of three joint force operations:
- Ops SECURE HARVEST (MONUSCO-FARDC) in Ituri (Djugu) against the armed groups CODECO and ZAÏRE.
- Ops Shujaa (FARDC-UPDF) in the Greater North Kivu (Lubero-Beni) and southern Ituri (Mambasa-Irumu) against the ADF-ISCAP.
- Ops TAFOC (FARDC-FDNB) in South Kivu (Uvira, Fizi, Mwenga) against the RED TABARA.
A planned operation, called Ops KULINDA (FARDC-MONUSCO), is currently under study and preparation in Greater North Kivu. These operations have shown significant progress, although some key areas have not yet been neutralized or destroyed. For example, in the Djugu territory of Ituri, all internally displaced persons (IDP) sites are secured by MONUSCO, and joint MONUSCO-FARDC patrols are regularly conducted to protect farmers during the harvest period.
In the operational area of Ops Shujaa, the Bashu chiefdom in the south (Mwalika) and the Rwenzori sector (the Kasindi-Kamango-Mbau road triangle) are experiencing a lull. However, insecurity persists in the Beni-Mbau sector, northeast of Beni, particularly in the Bambuba Kisiki and Banande Kainama groupings, where residual pockets of ADF MTM continue to operate through ambushes and raids against taxi drivers and riverside villages.
Due to harassment from the joint forces of Ops Shujaa in the Beni territory, the ADF has ceased its expansion into the Lubero territory, especially in the Bapere sector, at the border with Beni and Mambasa, where the population is demanding the presence of the joint FARDC-UPDF forces for their mining and agricultural activities. Many people from the Kambau grouping have fled to areas deemed secure.
Regarding Ops TAFOC (FARDC-FDNB) in South Kivu, progress is slow and results are unsatisfactory. In the highlands of Uvira-Fizi-Mwenga, abuses and extortion remain frequent, making it difficult for the population to return to their usual activities.
As for the KULINDA operation (MONUSCO-FARDC) in the Greater North, UPDF military authorities view it as a weakening of the efforts made since the beginning of the Shujaa operations, which the population affected by the ADF-ISCAP jihadist terrorists appreciates. Consequently, Uganda categorically refuses any attempts to establish this new operation in Greater North Kivu (Beni-Lubero).
In the Little North Kivu (Masisi-Rutshuru-Walikale and Nyiragongo) and part of the Lubero territory in the Greater North, the ceasefire declared in Luanda, Angola, since August 4, 2024, between Rwanda and DRC is not being respected by the belligerents, particularly the M23/AFC and the armed groups allied with the FARDC, known as Wazalendo.
Note: The Wazalendo (FARDC reservists), under the coordination of Lieutenant General Padiri Bulenda (a former member of the Mayi-Mayi militia), are primarily composed of:
- PAREC – FAAL (Action Party for the Reconstruction of Congo - Alléluia Armed Forces) of Mr. William Yakutumba
- Raiya Mutomboki
- Mai Mai Kifuafua of Mr. Delphin Baenda
- UPLC (Union of Patriots for the Liberation of Congo) of Mr. Mayani
- APCLS (Alliance of Patriots for a Free and Sovereign Congo) of Mr. Janvier Karairi
- Nyatura CMC (Collective Movement for Change) of Mr. Jules Mulumba
- NDC-R (Nduma Defense of Congo - Renewed) of Mr. Guidon Wing
- FPP/AP (Popular Front for Peace – Armed People) of Mr. Kabidon
2. SECURITY SITUATION The M23-AFC coalition continues to strengthen with new recruits in a special assault unit. According to a member of the M23/AFC, on November 15, 2024:
- 7 FUSO trucks transporting new M23 soldiers from the training center were heading towards Rusthuru-Lubero.
- 5 KAMAZ trucks were heading towards the Kibumba-Tongo-Kirolirwe axis.
- 3 other trucks were heading towards Kirolirwe-Mushaki-Rubaya-Bihambwe.
On November 16, 2024, the M23/AFC welcomed over 500 new recruits, visible in the Rumangabo camp, south of the Rutshuru territory. The SADC forces (SAMIRDC), Agemira (Romanian mercenaries), and MONUSCO are observing the ceasefire, while the FARDC await military support. The belligerents (FARDC and allies) as well as the M23/AFC are reinforcing their positions along all front lines.
The situation in Ituri and the Masisi territory is characterized by land conflicts. The LENDU/CODECO and HEMA/ZAÏRE are disputing the mining areas in the Djugu territory. Meanwhile, the population of the NZULO locality, in the KAMUROZA grouping in the Northeast of MASISI, is attacking the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICCN), which claims that this locality is within the Virunga National Park (PNVI). This population has become very aggressive towards the ICCN Eco guards, demanding the return of their ancestral lands.
HIGH RISK: If the Congolese government does not react in time, there will be major incidents, especially as the victimized population rallies to the WAZALENDO. This could lead to increased hatred against humanitarian expatriates working in the area, making them targets for militias close to the FARDC, who confuse any foreigner with support for the M23.
As an illustration of unfortunate events recorded in November 2024:
- November 19, 2024: Clashes between CODECO and ZAÏRE in MAZE in the Djugu Territory of ITURI, where 2 HEMA women were killed and 1 FARDC member died during the intervention.
- November 20, 2024: Retaliatory attack by the armed group ZAÏRE against CODECO in KPATI, 16 km from DJUGU, where 1 minor LENDU was killed and another is missing.
- November 17, 2024: ADF-ISCAP incursion in MATALO in the village of TETURI in the BABILA BABOMBI chiefdom in MAMBASA Territory, where cocoa looting was observed by ADF-ISCAP jihadist terrorists.
- November 18, 2024: ADF-ISCAP incursion in BANGO in the BAMBUBA KISIKI grouping, BENI MBAU sector in the NE of BENI, where 6 civilians were killed, including two minors, and 2 others were taken, along with 1 FARDC member dead.
- November 19, 2024: The FARDC captured 4 ADF-ISCAP members in BEU-MANYAMA, all from BUAWENZI in the IRUMU Territory in southern ITURI, while looting cocoa from peaceful citizens.
- November 15, 17, and 20, 2024: Observations of various M23-AFC movements with weapons and ammunition on:
Armed groups in Ituri are minority but resistant to the DDRRC processes. The DRC government refers to them as negative forces, such as:
- Zaïre – FPAVI (Popular Front for the Self-Defense of the Victims of Ituri) of Mr. TOMAS LUBANGA.
- CODECO (Cooperative for the Development of Congo) from a coalition of Mr. Bernard KAKADO, Mr. Disiré LONDROMA, and Mr. BASAZUKPA.
- MNLDK (National Movement for the Sustainable Liberation of Kongo), now called YIRA Forces of Mr. KYANDENGA.
- FRPI (Patriotic Resistance Force of Ituri) from the LENDU BINDI community.
- CHINI YA KILIMA FPIC (Front of Integrationist Patriots of Congo) from the BIRA community of ITURI.
- CHINI YA TUNA from the NGITI community of Ituri.
Note: The M23/AFC, with the facilitation of certain military authorities from Uganda, is in talks with various militias in Ituri to form a common front against the Kinshasa government.
3. BORDER SITUATION The border situation between the DRC and UGANDA, on one hand, and between the DRC and SOUTH SUDAN, on the other, remains porous in the context of cross-border activities. For UGANDA, the trade of salted fish must occur on their territory regardless of its origin, and the visa issue creates difficulties, even though there was supposed to be free movement between the two countries. At least 1,700 Congolese fishermen are detained in UGANDA with their fishing gear confiscated on the grounds of illegal crossing of lake borders on Lake Edward.
Meanwhile, in the DRC and SOUTH SUDAN, NAS (National Salvation Front) rebels are making incursions, looting cattle, and abducting populations. From SOUTH SUDAN, they are conducting incursions into the ARU and FATAKI Territories in ITURI. These NAS rebels prevent SOUTH SUDANESE nationals from returning home voluntarily. The land and lake boundaries between these two neighboring countries and the DRC also pose enormous problems and require border demarcation to avoid cross-border incidents.
4. HUMANITARIAN SITUATION The number of internally displaced persons continues to rise daily without humanitarian assistance. In North Kivu, at least 4 million internally displaced persons are in collective sites and 1 million in host families.
On November 19, 2024, in BENI, five confirmed cases and six suspected cases of MPOX were detected in the central prison of KANGWAYI, located in the BEU commune in the southeast of the city of BENI.
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